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Please join us for Sunday Service at 10:00 am in person and on FaceBook Live, lesson by Rev. Gordon Keyler, music with Todd Lowry and the USCABQ Music Team, Brian Griesmeyer, Sharon Eldridge, and David Craig, special music, Dianna Hughes.
Dear Unity Family,
               "Before I delve into this Sunday's lesson, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who dedicated their time and effort last week and this week to help us move our offices. Without their invaluable assistance, this task would have been incredibly challenging. Special thanks to Carl Molter, Laurie Roop, Jeff Siddall, Eric Mazzie, John Vandermey, Chris Porosky, Dave Lepori, Martyne Backman, Barbara Hutton, Sherri Bornhoft, Jay Pullen, Patrick Knight, Glenda Davis, Michael Small, Barbara Bilobran, and Anne Johnson. And a big thank you to everyone who generously donated boxes! (If I inadvertently missed anyone, I apologize.) We're still in the process of settling in, so we appreciate your patience."
          "This Sunday, we're exploring the original version of 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' to illustrate the power of imagination. As Ella Pomeroy wrote in 'Power of the Soul,' 'Imagination is the ability to conceive, to bring together, to inspire the mind with a sense of newness. It is the mind's exercise in foreseeing results in material form.'"
          Are we envisioning the worst or the best? We have the ability to perceive divine ideas and manifest them through the lens of pure imagination." Join us this Sunday as we learn to perceive and create from our highest nature."
           In Loving Service,

PREVIEW: SUNDAY, August 4th, Rev. Paul John Roach, guest speaker lesson, What it Means to Be Present to What Is. 


Dianna performs with some of Albuquerque's finest musicians- Michael Anthony, Sid Fendley, Milo Jaramillo, Robert Lah, to name a few. She has graced the stage at Popejoy Hall on UNM campus and performed intimate house concerts. Her dedication to raising funds for homelessness finds her performingat numerous fund raisers and benefits to the great pleasure of those attendingas well as her heart. And, Diana is a regular Guest Soloist at USC.  She will be adding her vocal stylings to thisSunday's Service,

Please join us for Sunday Service, 10:00 am in person and on Facebook Live. Lesson with Rev. Gordon Keyler, This Sunday featuring music with Todd Lowry and the USCABQ Music Team, Brian Griesmeyer, Sharon Eldridge, and David Craig (2nd and 4th Sundays).