Also see our Health and Wholeness Ministry page
Fridays 9:30 - 10:30, USCABQ Sanctuary, Love Offering/Donation
Sue Eaton, a yoga teacher with over 500 hours of training, is excited to offer a yoga class at Unity Spiritual Center, This weekly class is for beginners, as well as experienced yoga students.
This class will be in the style of Hatha yoga, which focuses on breath and movement, and is more gentle and slower paced than other styles. It will include yoga poses, breathing practices and meditation. The emphasis will be on increased body and breath awareness, and alignment, as well as with stretching and strengthening poses. Variations with props will be offered to assist with various levels of mobility.
Participants are asked to bring their own yoga mats, and other props, such as a blanket or pillow to sit on, a block or pillow for support, and a strap or scarf for stretching. There will be a limited number of props available for use. Chairs will also be available to use as props.
Suggested Love Offering $10.00
Contact Sue by via with any question.
USC BUILDING, Classroom 4
PLEASE ENTER through the CommUnity Room door on the South Side, Facilitated by Trish Miller, Certified Grief Facilitator
Thursdays, 11:00 to Noon, Trish Miller, Certified Grief Facilitator, is the facilitator of our Grief Support Group.
Have you ever wondered, "What is a “Grief Support Group”?
A Grief Support Group is a place you can come and tell your story of loss, whatever that loss may be (friend, pet, family, job, divorce, health, etc.). It’s a safe place where confidentiality is primary and the sharing of our stories is kept within the group and not shared. And everyone is welcome.
Telling our stories of loss, no matter how hard, frustrating and scary it may be, helps our bodies release old and stagnant emotions that get stuck in our bodies. Releasing our emotions of loss allows room for new lighter emotions.
It’s like the Biblical story in Luke 5:37-39
"And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved. And no one, having drunk old wine, immediately desires new; for he says, 'The old is better."
You are invited to join our Grief Support Group every Thursday at 11-12 p.m. at Unity Spiritual Center in the main building. The Use the CommUnity Room South door or the ADA door.
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM, Monthly on THIRD Sundays. Large Classroom Love Offering. No Tapping experience is necessary.
The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is also known as tapping. It is a technique that has been around since 1995. Acupressure points are tapped in a sequence to help release physical and emotional pain. The positive effects are quick and long lasting. The governments of several countries, including Britain, Canada and Australia, have approved their national health programs to provide tapping as a treatment modality. The American Veteran’s Administration has also approved of tapping to be used for treatment. Chris Acklen is leading our new tapping group. Chris is a clinical social worker, psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. She has had several tapping trainings and much continued study. Chris uses the technique personally and in her work with clients.
9:30 - 10:30 am, Mondays and Wednesdays in the Sanctuary, Love Offering. Laurie Roop, instructor. Note: See Laurie Roop for any changes related to scheduling.
10:00 - 11:00 am, Sundays, Main Building Classrooms, 9800 Candelaria NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87112.
If you have any questions or your child(ren) are new to YFM, please contact:
ONLINE: 8:30 - 9:15 am, SUNDAYS, using Google meet; if wishing to participate online, email the office for the link :, Love Offering. Facilitated by Patrick Knight.
Each week we look at a different selection from the Bible and see how it might help us achieve our highest and best selves in our everyday lives. We hope to see you on Sunday.
We hope you can join us on Sundays! email and put "Please place me on Metaphysical Bible Study emailing list for info and Google Meet link." in the email.
From "We approach the Bible as the story of the spiritual development of our soul. Remember that New Thought teaches that all things we experience in life had their origin in thought; “we create our experiences by the activity of our thinking.” Metaphysical Bible students, therefore, relate each Bible story, and the characters and places in those stories, to their own development as spiritual beings.
Charles Fillmore wrote, “Apart from being a book of great historical and biographical interest, the Bible is, from Genesis to Revelation, in its inner or spiritual meaning, a record of the experiences and the development of the human soul.” The “theater” is in our consciousness, not in the biblical lands. Although the historical biblical story occurred long ago in the faraway biblical lands, when we do a metaphysical bible interpretation, all the action occurs in our consciousness. We do not metaphysically interpret historical events! What we metaphysically interpret are events in consciousness, in a belief that what occurred centuries ago is an expression of the same Divine Ideas that are now expressing in our own consciousness."