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Meet The Candidates
2025 Board of Trustees Nominees
Be sure to meet them, get to know them, and ask them questions on the next two Sundays preceding our annual meeting! Sunday January 26, 2025, is our annual meeting, immediately Following the Service. Must be a voting member in good standing to vote.

Alphabetically listed


I have been involved in Unity for about 10 years starting at Unity of Albuquerque/Rio Rancho with Rev. Debbie O'Connor. I have been a prayer Chaplin, as well as an Usher/greeter lead.

As I grow in Unity I'm becoming more outgoing and social. I think as a Trustee, I can bring more smiles and ease for new congregates while explaining what we as Unity are about.

In my spare time I volunteer at Cloud Dancers Therapeutic Horsemanship. My volunteer "duties" include assisting with lessons, tacking or assisting with tacking the horses for the rider. Before coming to Unity on Sunday morning Judy and I are out there feeding, watering and mucking stalls.

I have been sober for 25 years +. What a miracle!


Sue Eaton has been a lifelong spiritual seeker. She was raised Catholic in Peoria, Illinois, and then later explored other spiritual paths before finding Unity at Unity Church of Peoria, Illinois. She actively participated there for approximately fourteen years from 1994 to 2008. She served as an usher, on the Hospitality team, and on the Youth Education team. She helped coordinate a regional retreat for the Central Illinois Unity churches. She also served on the board there, with two terms as president. She also took a number of classes and retreats over the years at Unity Village.

Sue worked as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for over twenty years, serving in a variety of areas. She retired in 2009 and moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico. She did pet sitting for a number of years. She practiced yoga regularly for six years before studying to become a yoga teacher in 2017. She has been teaching regularly since then and started teaching weekly yoga classes in September 2023 at Unity Spiritual Center.

Sue has been attending Unity Spiritual Center since January 2023. Sue is currently the Treasurer on our board. She serves on the Usher team and participated in the Sustainability Gala in June 2023 as a model. She was a host home for the book study of “Daring Greatly”. She values the great community spirit at Unity and would like to see it continue to grow, as well as grow in abundance in financial prosperity, expanding attendance and participation in Sunday services and other activities and greater visibility in Albuquerque and New Mexico.


My name is Jill Lyons, born in Northwest Iowa, then moved to southern Minnesota. It was just me, my mom and my sister. Then in 8th grade we moved to San Diego. It was then that I met my best friend and partner, Mahalia. After some years apart, and each of us moving back “home” (MN for me and NM for Mahalia) we now live together here in ABQ, with her daughter AJ. (I have never been married and have no children of my own)

Mahalia introduced me to Unity. I moved to ABQ in 2016 to live with her and help children. When I moved here she had been attending Unity for an about a year, I think. I was instantly inspired to keep coming back. The message of Unity is what I’ve felt in my heart. The little exposure to religion that I had as a child was Lutheran. My grandma would take me and my sister to church occasionally. I remember being confused with many of the churches beliefs. I never believed in a punishing God or being born in sin. I also disliked that we could not clap after someone sang or performed.

I have been attending Unity on and off since 2017-ish. Life and Covid have been obstacles to attending on a regular basis. I became an official member about 6 months ago and am committed to being involved and helping with Unity. I enjoy service on Sundays and attending the WOW group and Tapping class. When I help others I feel the most alive. Being of service is something I enjoy. The community here at Unity are so uplifting and supportive. I have been thinking about ways to be of service and then I was approached about becoming a board member. Thank you for thinking of me, and I would love to join the board and such a wonderful group of people.


Hi, my name is Robert Trella , I’m married to Lisa Trella. Lisa and I are members of Unity Spiritual Center. As a child, I grew up Catholic, I was an altar boy, then my dad became a Jehovah’s Witness, and so I became one for 9 years. After that, I tried a few different places, but I could never find the “right fit” for me. I went on a hike with Unity in January of 2024, met pastor Gordon and a few others, and have been coming ever since.

I am passionate about being involved in the things that I am interested in. For example, I am studying to be a master gardener. I love showing support for Unity by participating in activities and am always ready to lend a hand. Being a part of the Board at Unity seems like a natural extension, because I have found a home here. I am 58 years old , retired, and just enjoying all that life has to offer, wherever that takes me.