Women of Wisdom (WOW) consists of members and friends who meet on the second Saturday of each month for fellowship, spiritual growth and support. All women are welcome and invited to participate in all activities. Each month reveals a new topic or hands-on experience. 

  • WOW is a forum for women to share, grow and support one another spiritually through experiential, fun activities.
  • Women of Wisdom share with one another their talents, interests and tools for personal and spiritual growth.
  • WOW welcomes women of all ages, faiths, and cultures, both members and non-members of USCABQ.
  • Women of Wisdom desire to grow friendships and build relationships by creating a safe and comfortable space.
  • WOW programs emphasize life experience and insights that are discovered in each of our personal journeys.
  • Each program stands alone, is led by volunteers, and is supported by love offerings (and fees for materials as necessary).