Happy 2025! Someone I work with said she thought this was going to be an effervescent year. I asked if I could borrow that phrase from her and she heartily gave her permission. So, here is to an effervescent year! :)
We will start the effervescence with our next meeting this coming Saturday, January 11th at 10 am to 12 pm in the commUnity hall. Our own Carol Moritz and Novella Keyler will be providing an experiential presentation about prosperity and transformation. We will be actively applying Unity principles to our lives.
Carol and Anita Fernandez gave this presentation to WOW about 7 or 8 years ago. IT WAS AMAZING!! I kept telling them that they needed to take it on the road. At the very least, they needed to make it into a UNM continuing ed class. I am excited and SO looking forward to being with you all and sharing this very special time!! Feel free to being snacks, if you like.
Novella, Carol and I, Chris Acklen, look forward to seeing you this Saturday. As Carly and Bob continue their wonderful Arizona adventure, we will hold them in our hearts.
Love, hugs and blessings, Chris and Novella