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Meet at Unity at 9:30am or at the trail head parking lot 10:15am.  Call Rob Trella for more information 708-275-7774. Register: or through the Church Center app. Choose "Unity" as your church if you are setting up the app on your phone.

This month's hike in Boca Negra Canyon, Petroglyph National Monument is led by Rob Trella.  Located off of Unser Boulevard, ¼ mile north of Montaño Road, this canyon provides quick and easy access to three self-guided trails, (Mesa Point, Macaw, and Cliff Base) where you can view approximately 100 petroglyphs. Combined walking time is approximately 1 hour. Although each trail is very short, they vary in difficulty as follows: Mesa Point - strenuous, Macaw - moderate, Cliff Base - moderate.

Dogs are not allowed in Boca Negra.
