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Fridays 9:30 - 10:30 am in the Sanctuary

No Yoga class Friday, January 17th.

Suggested Love Offering $5.00 - $10.00

Sue Eaton, a yoga teacher with over 500 hours of training, is excited to offer a yoga class at Unity Spiritual Center,  This weekly class is for beginners, as well as experienced yoga students.

This class will be in the style of Hatha yoga, which focuses on breath and movement, and is more gentle and slower paced than other styles. It will include yoga poses, breathing practices and meditation. The emphasis will be on increased body and breath awareness, and alignment, as well as with stretching and strengthening poses. Variations with props will be offered to assist with various levels of mobility. 

Participants are asked to bring their own yoga mats, and other props, such as a blanket or pillow to sit on, a block or pillow for support, and a strap or scarf for stretching. There will be a limited number of props available for use. Chairs will also be available to use as props.

Contact  Sue by via with any questions.