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Come and see the vast array of art from our local artists. Find gifts, beautiful and functional objects, and art to adorn your spaces. This is our first art show at Unity and it promises to be a good one!

Do you love creativity, seeing all the amazing art that people create in expressing

themselves? Do you like buying art to display in your home or office? Do you love

going to art shows?


Unity Spiritual Center Albuquerque will be hosting an Art Show May 4, 2024, 10 am-4:00 pm

Plan on coming and joining in the fun! The purpose of the Art Show is to raise money to xeriscape the property. This will beautify the grounds, draw attention to us, support hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators, and save money by replacing grass that needs to be watered with low-water/rainwater only plants. The Earthcare Team has been working months on deciding which plants to plant where, and planning the Art Show. Support us by posting this on your social media, encouraging your followers to come (or if they are artists, to contact us through the website to be vendors - see vendor link below.)

There is an additional way you can support us—pay for or pledge to pay for one of more specific plants we plan to purchase for xeriscaping. For instance, we plan to get 2 Little Blue Stem, that add color during the winter and are a good place for butterflies to form their chrysalis. They are $8 for a quart pot. You could donate $8 for one or $16 for both. We will be able to take cash, check or card AT THE TABLE. If given in the offering it will go to the general fund.

Think beauty!

Artists, contact us for info/table/booth rental rates: . Show your art, make sales, meet new friends.